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11 August 2020
job passion 100%
What works well?
mode start-up, vision entrepreneuriale, mais avec la garantie d'une passion qui va avec le travail
What could be improved?
les bureaux sont petits, beaucoup de gens, difficile de travailler efficacement pour l'instant (société en fort développement donc quelques mois de patience..)
22 September 2020
HR Manager
merci beaucoup pour votre feedback, et encouragement. nous sommes en mode start-up en ce moment en effet, et nos locaux sont encore petit, mais tout ceci va s'améliorer dans les prochains mois.
12 August 2020
Current employee
Passion for action sport
What works well?
- people are really dedicated to the projects and sport. they are all so passionate
What could be improved?
Good family atmosphere, and everybody is really passionate about the projects, sports, outdoor. it needs to focus on the core business : action sport it is a times a bit not organized and not sure who is in charge of what. but i guess it is normal in a startup and a big project
14 August 2020
Awesome company
What works well?
Very nice HR contact, very professional, interesting field The team is very open-minded and cool, it‘s a great working environment
What could be improved?
more transparency, sometimes is hard to understand where we are in the application process. But I guess that‘s pretty normal, since they have a lot of applications