Popular professions in Jura

Commercial Manager

120 salary indications

CHF 59 900


82 salary indications

CHF 50 175

CNC Machine Operator

77 salary indications

CHF 57 200

Administrative Assistant

59 salary indications

CHF 60 840

Quality Engineer

55 salary indications

CHF 62 400


50 salary indications

CHF 60 500

Account Manager

49 salary indications

CHF 50 000


42 salary indications

CHF 55 380

Clock Maker

42 salary indications

CHF 59 450


40 salary indications

CHF 77 267

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9 508 salaries

What is the average salary in the canton of Jura?

The median wage in the canton of Jura is 65 000 CHF, which is slightly below the Swiss average. This value is calculated using 2 778 wage data from the jobup.ch salary comparison tool. The best places to look for a job are Delémont (the capital), Porrentruy or Courroux. Although the canton is close to Basel and Bern, the language of the canton is French.

What are the sectors with the highest salaries in Jura?

According to the salary comparison tool of jobup.ch, the sectors with the highest wages in the canton of Jura are Finance / Accounting, Waste management / Recycling / Environmental technology and Catering / Hotel business / Tourism. Even though wages are lower than in other cantons, the cost of living is lower and the living environment is peaceful, far from the hustle and bustle of the big agglomerations. Moreover, the proximity to France makes it possible to go shopping there at a lower cost.