CHINA OCEAN - Assistant Systems Manager

Viking River Cruises AG

  • Date de publication :

    05 mars 2024
  • Taux d'activité :

  • Type de contrat :

    Durée indéterminée
  • Lieu de travail :


CHINA OCEAN - Assistant Systems Manager

职位: 系统副经理


  • 系统副经理协助系统经理维护船上所有的IT系统和设备,维护硬件、电缆系统、网络、软件并解决其他技术问题。
  • 您需要向船上所有部门提供系统和程序活动的一般支持,并提供用户培训,以提高船上用户的技能。
  • 您有责任建立友好的、以客人为中心的服务文化,使客人满意并进行再次消费,从而增加公司的各项利润,通过提供技术学习课程来提高客人的满意度,丰富客人的知识。


  • 执行日常操作,详见培训期间提供的运行手册和其他技术文件。
  • 与系统经理一起,协助所有船员确保其工作站处于工作状态,包括维护个人电脑、销售点终端、电缆系统、服务器及相关硬件。
  • 必须具备对电脑及打印机硬件进行故障排除及维修的能力。
  • 在正常工作时间内及时响应用户请求。关键系统支持可能需要延长工作时间。
  • 根据系统经理的指示,完成必要的职责和任务。
  • 根据需要提供使用通用PC软件和专业物业管理软件的用户基本培训和支持。
  • 为面向客人的技术设备、电话、电视和数字标牌提供支持。
  • 为客人提供设备支持,为WiFi连接和维京游轮App检修故障。
  • 担任IT客人联络员,以使客人对维京游轮的 IT产品感到满意。
  • 向领导团队通报任何可能影响其职责范围内船舶运营的IT问题和政策。
  • 参加每日例会,了解团队的运营需求,确保始终符合维京星级标准。
  • 确保相关船员在相关活动(如装载物料)中始终穿戴个人防护装备(PPE)。始终使用正确的提重物技巧,以防止受伤。
  • 始终遵循维京的形象和制服标准,坚持完美的仪容标准。
  • 确保公司财产得到适当的保护,特别是在恶劣天气条件下,以防止不必要的损失和损坏。
  • 出色的灵活性:能够在一天的不同时间和压力下工作,并能始终表现出积极肯干的态度和维京人的最佳形象。
  • 熟悉与行程相关的停靠港口,岸上观光游览和船上活动,如娱乐活动、节目等。
  • 有强大的动力去实现IT部门的公司目标和宗旨(质量和财务)。
  • 对安全安保程序有充分的了解,并且可以按照所有公共卫生、环境与安全安保政策进行操作;根据公司要求,参加所有有关船上培训、安全安保、防火、疏散演习的培训。
  • 确保遵循中华人民共和国劳动法和维京通过代理公司与船员签署的上船协议。



  • 至少1年以上IT系统工作经验,有处理应用程序用户、操作和系统管理方面的实际经验;计算机专业或相关专业毕业,并接受过IT硬件和软件相关的正式培训。
  • 普通话标准。
  • 必须有操作系统经验,有MXP经验者优先;具有较强的管理技能者优先,并且必须精通基于PC的数据库、电子表格和文字处理系统;能够在工作中保持灵活性,具有良好的抗压能力、敬业的团队合作精神
  • 以客人为中心、以服务为导向、积极的个性、专业的仪容仪表和完美的卫生标准,对所有的公共卫生政策有出色的了解。
  • 无明显纹身。


  • 在部门内部实施标准操作程序和星级服务标准
  • 确保符合最新的仪容仪表标准
  • 如有必要,公司有权在其任职期间的任何时间修改或扩充本工作说明



指示: 不适用





As a Viking Shipboard Team Member, you represent Viking’s values and our Service Standard, STAR Service. You are a hospitality professional with a passion for excellence. Viking will empower you with the skills, knowledge and tools to succeed in your role onboard. At Viking, we are committed to each other and our guests through a shared set of values. We strive to be the best; we always impress our guests and we care for each other as a family. By working for Viking, you embody our world-class service culture and become a valued part of our Viking Family.


  • The Assistant Systems Manager assists the Systems Manager with maintaining all IT systems and equipment onboard the vessel, and maintains the hardware, cabling systems, networks, software and addresses other technical issues.
  • You are required to provide all departments onboard the vessel with general support for systems and procedural activities and provide user training in order to enhance the ship’s user skills.
  • It is your responsibility to create a friendly, guest-oriented service culture to ensure guest satisfaction and repeat business, which in turn, will increase revenue and profitability of the company, and increase guest satisfaction and knowledge by providing tech-learning courses.


  • Perform daily operations, as detailed in Run Books and other technical documents provided during training.
  • In conjunction with the Systems Manager, support all crew to keep their workstations in working condition, this includes maintaining PCs, point of sale terminals, cabling systems, servers and related hardware.
  • Must demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot and repair PC and printer hardware.
  • Promptly respond to user requests during normal working hours. Extended hours may be required as needed for critical systems support.
  • Take direction from the Systems Manager to deliver on required responsibilities and assignments.
  • Provide basic user training and support in using common PC software and specialized property management software, as needed.
  • Provide support for guest-facing technical equipment, telephones, TVs and Digital Signage.
  • Provide guest support for devices, troubleshooting of WiFi connection & the Viking Voyager App.
  • Serve as the IT Guest liaison, in order to make guests feel comfortable with the Viking IT product
  • Keep the Leadership Team informed of any IT issues and policies that may affect shipboard operations in their areas of responsibility.
  • Participate in “The Daily Reunion” every day to understand your team’s operational needs and to ensure consistent adherence to Viking’s STAR Service Standards.
  • Ensure that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is worn at all times during relevant activities, such as during the loading and handling and storage of chemicals. Always use correct lifting techniques to prevent injuries.
  • Uphold impeccable grooming standards at all times by complying with Viking’s Image and Uniform Standards.
  • Ensure that company property is appropriately secured and protected, especially during rough weather conditions, in order to prevent unnecessary loss or damage.
  • Demonstrate outstanding flexibility: must be able to work at different times of the day, under pressure and reflect a positive can-do attitude and the best image of Viking at all times.
  • Become knowledgeable about itinerary-related ports of call, shore excursions and shipboard activities such as events, entertainment and programs.
  • Have strong motivation to achieve the company goals and objectives (quality and financial) for the IT Department.
  • Have full knowledge about safety & security procedures and can operate in line with all Public Health, Environmental and Safety & Security Policies; participate in all training concerning onboard training, safety & security, fire prevention, evacuation exercises as required by the company.
  • Perform a Full Inventory Cycle of the assigned Store, twice a month, before every full loading.

This document describes the primary activities, duties and responsibilities of this position. Your manager or supervisor may assign additional duties and responsibilities to you.


  • A required minimum of 1 year plus experience working with IT systems with hands on experience dealing with application users, operations and systems administration; a degree in Computer Science or related and formal training in related IT hardware and software is required.
  • Fluent in English - must be able to address any kind of information in an adequate manner with excellent oral and written English communication skills – the ability to speak an additional language is an advantage.
  • Must have experience in operating systems, experience in MXP is preferred; strong administration skills are required and must be proficient with PC based databases, spread sheets, and word processing systems; flexible, stress resistant, committed team player.
  • Guest-focused, service-oriented, positive personality, professional appearance and impeccable hygiene standards, with excellent knowledge of all Public Health Policies are required.


  • Implement Standard Operating Procedures & STAR Service Standards within the department.
  • Ensure appropriate appearance and clothing according to the updated Grooming Standards.
  • The company reserves the right to change/extend this job description if necessary, at any point of time during her/his employment.

Position: Assistant Systems Manager

Supervisor: Systems Manager

Gives instructions to: NA

Receives instructions from: IT Technical Support Department; Hotel General Manager, Systems Manager
