Company portrait

L'Etat de Vaud est le plus grand employeur du canton. Nous offrons aux plus de 39'000 collaborateur-trice-s de l’Administration cantonale vaudoise (ACV) une grande diversité d’emplois, des conditions d’engagement attractives et un environnement de travail propice à un bon équilibre...


3.0 ★

Employees (0)

Applicants (0)

5 stars3
4 stars0
3 stars0
2 stars0
1 star3

Translated from French

07 July 2022

Current employee

flexibility in the organization of working time

What works well?

Excellent integration into my department, with a personalized welcome and briefings on each unit. Our competence center is recognized for its expertise and the feedback is great to hear. I was trained by my colleagues, who are always available. We have a great deal of flexibility in the organization...

What could be improved?

A pot full of skills! Something to improve? Spreading our services more!

Translated from French

16 May 2022


I dream of working there one day

What works well?

Everything works well. Well organized structure to ensure a better quality of life for its employees

What could be improved?

Everything is clearly detailed, which makes you want to read everything to the end.

03 October 2023

Current employee

Expérience inutile et perte de temps

What works well?

- Réponse et transmission d'information rapide - Hiérarchie claire

What could be improved?

- Salaire misérable - Aucun avantage - Pas de caféteria - Ambiance inexistante - Ne savent pas choisir des candidats