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Translated from French

07 December 2018

Former employee

What works well?

None None

What could be improved?

Change the direction!

Translated from French

24 May 2023

Former employee

Move on

What works well?

Initial training lasts 3 months, and that's the only advantage, because during those 3 months the salary is ridiculously low, so you have to survive (under stress and with so little income). If you negotiate well, you can get training (in exchange for an obligation to stay x months).

What could be improved?

A miserly salary compared to the industry (especially when you know the rate charged to the customer), authoritarian and paternalistic management, no sense of teamwork. Obligation to stay for 18 months or you have to pay back the compulsory training, which is during the trial period (and therefore t...

Translated from French

11 November 2017


This company does not bother to reply to candidates who apply or even to acknowledge receipt of applications (for a similar announcement in August 2017 asking to apply via May

Translated from French

11 December 2017

Hello, We apologize if you have not received a reply to your application, as we reply to each person who has submitted a file, even when it does not correspond to the position you are looking for. Could you provide us with your name and e-mail so that we can give you the reason why we did not select...

Translated from French

14 September 2017

Former employee

What works well?


What could be improved?

big management problems, no possibility of career development

Translated from French

11 December 2017

Hello, We are sorry if you have felt or experienced this way, but many career development opportunities have often been offered and successful within our company. Sincerely CeRFI SA

Translated from French

25 July 2023

Former employee

A company from the last century

What works well?

Good training, friendly colleagues and rigorous work.

What could be improved?

A very old-fashioned company, very rigid at management level. Little transparency in internal communication, leaving room for rumors and disappointments.

Translated from French

31 October 2017


Multiple reminders, high motivation: zero responses. No correction, no good omen.

Translated from French

11 December 2017

Hello, We apologize if you have not received a reply to your application, as we reply to each person who has submitted a file, even when it does not correspond to the position you are looking for. Could you provide us with your name and e-mail so that we can give you the reason why we did not select...

Translated from French

30 November 2021

Current employee

Good atmosphere and interesting work environment

What works well?

Good working atmosphere. Management listens, as long as the requests are legitimate.

What could be improved?

More flexibility on working conditions and hours would be appreciated.

Translated from French

06 April 2023

Current employee

Constraining schedules

What works well?

Serious and professional company but requires you to take time off work if the client does not need your services.

What could be improved?

Low salaries compensated with training. Long term development. Stable and formative company.

Translated from French

12 December 2023

Former employee


What works well?

There's nothing interesting about it, except that the initial training that enables you to retrain in the field

What could be improved?

Disastrous salary (30% less than the competition for an equivalent position)

Translated from French

21 December 2023

Executive / Manager

Hello, We're delighted to see that our initial training has helped you in your career transition. Please note that CeRFI covers the full 1.5 months training and salary during this period. The salary is then regularly reviewed during the first 24 months, in a completely transparent way since it is c...

Translated from French

04 February 2022

Current employee

11 years of seniority and not about to leave!

What works well?

I am very happy to be part of what I see as a professional adventure, with an employer that listens to its employees and encourages us to take training, and will offer advancement to anyone who is willing and hardworking. I hope to be here for the next 11 years!

What could be improved?

I joined CeRFI in February 2011, and have worked as a client for international organizations since the beginning (World Meteorological Organization, World Trade Organization, World Intellectual Property Organization, UNAIDS)

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