Company portrait

Fondée en 1954, Fischer Connectors conçoit, développe et déploie des solutions d'interconnexion end-to-end pour les écosystèmes nécessitant le transfert et la gestion en local des données, des signaux et de la...

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4.1 ★

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5 stars4
4 stars1
3 stars1
2 stars1
1 star0

Translated from French

28 March 2019

Former employee

Mixed experience

What works well?

Good collaboration between colleagues and flexible working hours appreciated

What could be improved?

The quality of Management and the relational skills of the management team

Translated from French

20 May 2020


Good working climate and scheduled hours

What works well?

Atmosphere and protection Good material, (know how to be and know how to do)

What could be improved?

Organizing and improving motivation, for the good of the company and also for the work.