Popular professions in Basel-Stadt


370 salary indications

CHF 68 900

Commercial Manager

353 salary indications

CHF 66 950


316 salary indications

CHF 78 775

Project Leader

255 salary indications

CHF 100 000

Account Manager

236 salary indications

CHF 60 733

Executive Assistant

211 salary indications

CHF 81 900

Administrative Assistant

204 salary indications

CHF 70 020

Team Leader

190 salary indications

CHF 93 000

Health Care Professional

184 salary indications

CHF 62 257


160 salary indications

CHF 150 000

More salaries nearby



13 813 salaries

How much do people earn on average in Basel-Stadt?

Basel-Stadt is the smallest and most densely populated canton in Switzerland. Wages in Basel-Stadt are among the highest in Switzerland, with a median of CHF 78 894. This value is based on 16 545 salary data submitted to our free salary comparison tool. Although the canton is called "Basel-Stadt", there are actually three cities in this region: Basel, Bettingen and Riehen.

What are the best paid jobs in the Canton of Basel-Stadt?

Salaries in Basel are very attractive, but some sectors pay better than others. The Clothing / Textiles sector pays the best, followed by Retail business and Plant / Machine / Metal construction. Basel is a cosmopolitan urban centre, and with more than 30 museums, it has a very wide cultural offer. Access to France and Germany is quick and easy, and the Basel-Mulhouse airport opens the doors to Europe.