Company portrait

Depuis 2010, NS Insurance est une entreprise pionnière dans le secteur du courtage et de la formation en assurance sur le marché Suisse. La société est basée à Lausanne et agréée FINMA 32379. la société compte actuellement 8 collaborateurs/trices.

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3.7 ★

Employees (0)

Applicants (0)

5 stars2
4 stars0
3 stars0
2 stars0
1 star1

Translated from French

28 May 2019

Former employee

Great experience

What works well?

Company with a family atmosphere, and dynamic. During the one-week training in which I participated, I was very well supervised. And in just one week I learned a lot. They gave me a chance despite my young age that I did not hesitate to take. Excellent opportunity for a young person, I have no nega...

What could be improved?

I don't really see what there would be to improve because I loved every second of my experience at Ns

Translated from French

03 May 2019

Former employee

best training company

What works well?

quality entry training, very dynamic team, and responsible for listening to employees

What could be improved?

I don't really see any room for improvement except for the fact that there are parking spaces