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Translated from French

10 December 2018

Former employee

What works well?

There are none anymore, when I was working there, at first there was a good atmosphere and a career opportunity but it was all lies!

What could be improved?

to stop thinking you're a training company!

Translated from French

04 January 2018

Former employee

What works well?

The positive points during my professional experience are as follows: Enrichment of knowledge in the field of crimping. Excellent customer contact and good interpersonal skills with colleagues.

What could be improved?

Trust the staff (especially the small one) Honesty Respect for others (not important the title) Management of the Directorate to be reviewed Unfair dismissal Advantages to review because there are none

Translated from French

14 March 2022

Former employee

Very bad working climate certain person dismissed.

What works well?

The sector where I worked was not too bad but there are very toxic people is unbalanced so for me to avoid absolutely.

What could be improved?

Bad atmosphere and some people are totally unbalanced, too bad for this beautiful structure.

Translated from French

02 May 2022


one phone call and never heard back

What works well?

speed to answer me but not for the follow-up and no mail either.

What could be improved?

2 days after sending my resume and work certificate, I got a phone call to ask me some questions. I was available within 1 month. We talked about salary. the person said I'll look into it with the person in charge and I'll get back to you. for more than a month now, no more news. too bad for the lac...

Translated from French

14 September 2022

Former employee

Good experience on a short term

What works well?

- Good working atmosphere - Small and dynamic structure with little hierarchy - Autonomy

What could be improved?

- Few points of improvement in mind, positive and enriching experience

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