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Translated from French

02 May 2023

Former employee

Bad experience

What works well?

A little flexibility on their part depending on the period in case of private appointments

What could be improved?

The management is a point to improve, the vacations and the salary is minimum there is not even a 13th! We all give without return.

Translated from French

04 May 2023

Executive / Manager

Hello former employee, thank you very much for your comment, it is always valuable and important for us to have constructive feedback to improve our company. Of course, we would have preferred to have a former employee who shares his or her experience during weekly sessions with his or her manager,...

Translated from French

18 May 2024

Former employee

Bad experience

What works well?

The hours, we can arrange to take our breaks but otherwise nothing else...

What could be improved?

Salary, a step forward would be nice, same for vacations. Management needs to be reviewed. You'll be treated like a cheap employee