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31 October 2017


never answer. I filled out all the forms, applied for many positions at home, without ever getting a return. All the things you shouldn't do today.

Translated from French

14 November 2017


Unreliable, recruitment non-existent.

02 November 2020


Un manque total de professionnalisme et de transparence!

What works well?

Je ne vois absolument rien de positif à part peut être le site web.

What could be improved?

Une compagnie qui doit former ses employés. Ils ne vous contactent JAMAIS. J'ai postuler je ne sais combien de fois ses 8 dernières années. J'ai eu la "chance" (si je pu dire ainsi) de voir dans mon compte que ma candidature était à la deuxième étape et que j'allais bientôt recevoir un appel de leu...

Translated from French

18 September 2019


to be reviewed

What works well?

The website is quite nice and offers ads for young graduates.

What could be improved?

- never to return. After I moved to the agency, I was told that I would get detailed feedback on whether their client would see me in 1-2 weeks. Despite their employee's promise to get a clear feedback on this application, I still haven't received anything (it was 5 months ago) - insufficient clarit...

Translated from French

02 January 2019


No follow-up

What works well?

Interesting student offers, unfortunately a lot in the field of IT and little in the others.

What could be improved?

I applied for an offer within their own company, which matched my profile and was contacted by phone to finally explain that it was an HR position, which was not at all clear from the ad. No one pleasant on the phone, who asked me more precise questions about my background and my research, and who g...

Translated from French

09 January 2018


This firm is very unprofessional and never keeps you informed of the rest of the recruitment process. Compared to other recruitment agencies, for me it is the least useful...

Translated from French

20 January 2018


5 interviews in total, including 3 in the offices. A process that drags on, answer as late as it is not very constructive by email... never had a return to my questions, really not pro. Pure loss of time

Translated from French

08 December 2017


I don't think they do any tracking... I NEVER received a reply to the applications sent. When I called, they told me to send an email to a general address, they don't talk on the phone!

Translated from French

07 June 2023


Avoid going with placement agencies

What works well?

The jobs are very interesting, you just have to accept that if you go on vacation, you don't get paid.

What could be improved?

Far too high a margin from this company for mediocre wage and social conditions. I did 6 months and would do it again.

Translated from French

18 February 2021


How can we trust them?

What works well?

As I have never worked in this company, I cannot comment.

What could be improved?

They erased my postulations from their portal without warning me. Tried to contact them to ask for explanations; never got an answer.