Popular professions in Appenzell Innerrhoden


32 salary indications

CHF 136 000

Chief Technology Officer

28 salary indications

CHF 136 000


26 salary indications

CHF 136 000

Public Administration Clerk

25 salary indications

CHF 136 000

Account Manager

25 salary indications

CHF 136 000


23 salary indications

CHF 136 000

Project Leader

22 salary indications

CHF 136 000


22 salary indications

CHF 136 000

Retail assistant

19 salary indications

CHF 136 000


18 salary indications

CHF 136 000

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How much is the average salary in the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden?

Appenzell Innerrhoden, located in the north-east of the country, is one of the smallest Swiss cantons. Its capital is the village of Appenzell. Salaries are less attractive than in other Swiss cantons, with a median salary of 82 925 CHF, calculated on the basis of 900 salary details of jobup.ch users. On the other hand, the cost of living is low in terms of health insurance, taxes and housing.

What are the best paid sectors in Appenzell Innerrhoden?

Education system, Services and Construction industry / Real estate are the sectors with the highest wages in the Canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden. This bucolic canton was for a long time mainly agricultural, and even if this is less the case today, this heritage is still present in its traditions and cultural life. As Germany and Austria are not far away, many people from the region travel here to shop at lower prices.