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Translated from French

18 March 2021


Do not respond to job offers!

What works well?

Hard to know what works well in a company that doesn't even respond to job offers!

What could be improved?

When you apply for a job at Scott with a resume that is 100% what they ask for, they don't even bother to respond!!! Very sad...

Translated from French

29 June 2022

Former employee

Sexy from the outside, less from the inside...

What works well?

The material advantages are offset by salaries that are well below the Swiss average for identical positions.

What could be improved?

If you like exploitation, this is the company for you! :-) You are just a number, don't expect any recognition, nor evolutions, as much for the salaries as for the positions. There is a big turnover, it is not for nothing...

06 September 2021


No answer for job application.

What works well?

No idea. As they don't contact people, difficult to have an insight of the management and the company.

What could be improved?

Please contact applicants, even for bad news. No answer after months of application with a matching profile, not even an update.