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Translated from French

23 August 2018

Current employee

What works well?

Service to the public Very good personnel management Development of the necessary resources

Translated from French

20 August 2019


Propos de demande

What works well?

Your welcome, your help. The training that you present.

What could be improved?

Support candidates as quickly as possible at their request.

Translated from French

19 February 2021

Current employee

Laboratory Technician

What works well?

An incredible diversity of opportunities and training. Motivated colleagues who are happy to work for their employer and for the well-being of patients. A dynamic and motivating structure for all those who are looking for new challenges in a wide range of fields.

What could be improved?

A hierarchical maze of human resources through which it is difficult to navigate and understand which door to knock on.

Translated from French

01 November 2019

Current employee

Working in a stimulating environment

What works well?

Career and training opportunities are numerous and valued.

What could be improved?

HUGs are a very large structure that sometimes has long and tedious decision-making processes. You have to be patient... but in the end you get there. The institution is currently working on these subjects in order to develop the organization and meet the challenges that lie ahead.

07 November 2019

Current employee

Un environnement riche de diversité

What works well?

Possibilité de développement (formation, mobilité professionnelle…)

What could be improved?

Processus de décision et mise en œuvre de certains projets trop longs.

Translated from French

02 March 2023

Current employee

Good working climate and flexible working hours

What works well?

The presence of our directors at our side. Their availability is very appreciable.

What could be improved?

So far, we have had good working conditions in our department as a whole. The understanding and the sharing of information with the employees and the hierarchy is also very good and often even constructive. When you work in the Hug department, you can easily feel useful and part of a whole that wo...

Translated from French

14 July 2022

Current employee

Very bad conditions dangerous for your health

What works well?

The IT service works well, the logistical installation of technical tools works, but the human side of the HUG is seriously broken.

What could be improved?

A brittle atmosphere... Sick, jealous colleagues, lobbying is very present. A hierarchy almost absent in my experience. Hence the high rate of absenteeism... A very very disappointing experience, which I hope to transform one day.

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