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Vous voulez jouer un rôle à Orbe, dans une ville en plein essor et participer à son rayonnement ? Alors, rejoignez-nous au sein de notre administration !

Vous découvrirez une ville dynamique

Orbe est fière de son riche passé. Mais Orbe, ville mosaïque et Cité...

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Translated from French

22 March 2024

Current employee

Pleasant working atmosphere and collaboration

What works well?

Collaboration between departments and colleagues is very pleasant. Department heads are also available and open to discussion. I really enjoy meeting my colleagues, even outside the workplace.

What could be improved?

Working hours could be more flexible. The premises could be a little more ornate.

Translated from French

29 March 2023

Former employee

High staff turnover

What works well?

The financial means of the commune are good. The premises are pleasant.

What could be improved?

All personnel management. Many internal conflicts. A lot of dismissals in the form of "exit agreements" for various and sundry pretexts.

Translated from French

29 February 2024

Executive / Manager

Hello, We're sorry to hear that your time with our local authority has not lived up to your expectations. Like all public administrations, we have duties, responsibilities and a high standard of service to the people of the Commune. Yes, like any public administration, it unfortunately happens that...

Translated from French

29 February 2024

Executive / Manager

Hello, We're sorry to hear that your time with our local authority has not lived up to your expectations. Like any public administration, we have duties, responsibilities and a high standard of service to the people of the Commune. Yes, like any public administration, it unfortunately happens that w...

Translated from French

29 March 2023

Former employee

Archaic management

What works well?

Higher than average salaries in the communes of Vaud.

What could be improved?

Internal management in most departments is very poorly managed (risky promotions, sexist questioning, end-of-year evaluations without questionable HR, etc.). Little transparency in decision-making on the part of the Municipality and the heads of departments, which results in a lack of communication...

Translated from French

29 February 2024

Executive / Manager

Hello, We're sorry to hear that your professional experience with our local authority seems to have been inconclusive. You should know that we have an open, transparent corporate culture, where collaboration between people and between departments is strongly encouraged, where professional developmen...

Translated from French

29 February 2024

Executive / Manager

Hello, We're sorry to hear that your professional experience with our local authority seems to have been inconclusive. You should know that we have an open, transparent corporate culture, where collaboration between people and between departments is strongly encouraged, where professional developmen...