Company portrait

ABC GENEVE - Swiss Real Estate propose des services de :

- vente et location résidentielle /commerciale

- des biens d'investissement off market.?(Immeubles, Cliniques, EMS, halles logistiques),

- Developpement/ Promotion

- Rénovation

- Aide au financement


Job offers

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5.0 ★

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5 stars1
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1 star0

Translated from French

10 January 2023

Current employee

A dynamic company with great human values

What works well?

The atmosphere of the teams is exceptional, a perfect autonomy is possible for its employees and franchised ambassadors but the management is attentive and supportive.

What could be improved?

ABC Geneva is a dynamic company, established on the local and international real estate market. Its management is based on trust and allows the development and commitment of its employees. Its values such as transparency and its fight against all forms of discrimination make it an outstanding compan...