Popular professions in Grisons

Commercial Manager

225 salary indications

CHF 65 000


170 salary indications

CHF 65 250


150 salary indications

CHF 77 625


137 salary indications

CHF 50 400

Project Leader

123 salary indications

CHF 87 100

Retail Salesperson

106 salary indications

CHF 52 380

Account Manager

103 salary indications

CHF 55 000


99 salary indications

CHF 55 200

Truck Driver

96 salary indications

CHF 63 700


92 salary indications

CHF 66 000

More salaries nearby


St. Gallen

25 473 salaries



1 668 salaries



1 580 salaries



993 salaries

How much do people earn on average in Graubünden?

Median wages in the canton are lower than in the rest of Switzerland, but the cost of living is also lower. On average, salaries in the canton of Graubünden amount to 70 207 CHF, according to the calculations of our salary comparator on jobup.ch, based on 7 281 salary indications. The tourism sector is particularly flourishing, as the region offers countless opportunities for winter sports and hiking. Chur, the capital, but also Davos, Landquart and Scuol are the most interesting places for job seekers.

What are the best paid jobs in the Canton of Graubünden?

The highest wages in the Canton of Graubünden are in the Retail business industry, followed by the Plant / Machine / Metal construction and Construction industry / Real estate sector. Switzerland's largest canton has a linguistic peculiarity that few can boast: in addition to German and Italian, Romansh, the fourth national language, is also spoken.