Company portrait

Issus des fusions successives des entreprises de transports du Canton de Neuchâtel, les Transports Publics Neuchâtelois SA (transN) sont spécialisés dans l’exploitation d'un réseau de transports publics ferroviaires et routiers, tant urbains que régionaux.

Forts aujourd’hui de quelque 560 c...

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2.7 ★

Employees (0)

Applicants (0)

5 stars5
4 stars1
3 stars1
2 stars2
1 star7

Translated from French

19 June 2020



What works well?

I don't know the organization within the company, I can't assess what works well.

What could be improved?

recruitment! after a telephone exchange with the HR department I was invited to a recruitment interview on the La Chaux de Fonds site. after 5 months and 3 emails, I still haven't received any feedback, either negative or positive. Too bad!

Translated from French

11 November 2017

Former employee

What works well?

Variable working hours, ease of obtaining holidays or leave, working with possible manufacturer data.

What could be improved?

Low salaries, administrative management to be reviewed, bad people in the wrong place, lack of recognition from some managers. Waiting times for an application: 1 month and a half

Translated from French

09 July 2018

Current employee

What works well?

SBB general subscription

What could be improved?

company organization, communication between departments