Company portrait
MATISA Matériel Industriel SA, fondée en 1945, est pionnière de l’industrialisation de la mécanisation des travaux ferroviaires. Sur la base d’une invention de l’ingénieur lausannois Auguste Scheuchzer, MATISA est à l’origine du développement d’engins lié...
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Translated from French
25 January 2018
Current employee
What works well?
Interesting and varied work Good understanding in general in the team Free schedule Canteen and kitchen at your disposal Temporary to fixed commitment: there is time to find a fixed place elsewhere....
What could be improved?
Salary too low compared to other similar positions. Very poor communication between some managers. Commitment of temporary: Beware! Parking space: very difficult to get one.
Translated from French
03 May 2018
Former employee
What works well?
Free hours, good working relationship within the department, pleasant working climate, good social and salary conditions.
What could be improved?
Parking space: impossible to have one, obligation to rent a space outside.
Translated from French
25 January 2020
Former employee
Working hours okay.
What works well?
Canteen okay. Vacation okay. .................................
What could be improved?
Relationship is to be reviewed. Vacation okay. Parking space problem.