Company portrait
Comme collaborateur ou comme apprenti, rejoignez nos équipes de spécialistes, créatifs et inspirés, dans l’atmosphère chaleureuse d’une entreprise familiale. Nous nous réjouissons de faire votre connaissan...
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Translated from French
31 July 2018
Current employee
What works well?
Atmosphere between employees, very good people in the company. Superb experience in the wide range and diversity of products.
What could be improved?
Deplorable management. Completely disparate salaries, gross inequality, lowest salaries on the list, no bonuses or benefits, contributions are the lowest. Very negative family
Translated from French
08 January 2022
Former employee
A different enterprise from the apparent theatrical set
What works well?
Still looking!!! Nice colleagues but not many.
What could be improved?
Set up a real and true hierarchy and management with real external professionals and not internal and family. Cronyism is de rigueur to place oneself higher. No recognition of each person's work. Fears, anxieties and pressure on a daily basis.
Translated from French
12 March 2019
Current employee
A company on a human scale
What works well?
A company on a human scale, a good atmosphere between colleagues and contact with the privileged customer
What could be improved?
Rather pleasant working environment surrounded by plants...