Company portrait

Clarins est une entreprise familiale de confiance dans le domaine de la beauté. Nous sommes fiers de notre héritage, qui allie esprit d'entreprise, agilité et curiosité. Nous apprécions la contribution de nos employés talentueux dans le monde entier...


1.0 ★

Employees (0)

Applicants (0)

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Translated from French

12 March 2020

Current employee

Climat conflictuel

What works well?

- Many benefits in kind (products) - Well-maintained, luxurious, motivating premises

What could be improved?

- VERY conflictual work atmosphere, and the hierarchy is not interested in it. - Employee competence not recognized, "friends" of friends are more easily promoted than competent people, especially for internal development. - You have to hold on, if you like friendly places you will be disappointed.