Company portrait
Après avoir ouvert sa première boulangerie en 1974 à Genève, Aimé Pouly continue d’ouvrir de nombreux points de vente dans toute la Suisse romande et créé en 1994, la recette unique du fameux Pain Paillasse, façonné à la main et cuit au feu de bois.
Aujourd’hui, avec plu...
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Employees (0)
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Translated from French
13 April 2018
Current employee
What works well?
none of them
What could be improved?
relationships, human respect, organization are not part of their criteria. to be avoided.
Translated from French
05 December 2017
Never responds to a job offer
Translated from French
18 October 2019
Current employee
Correct working hours, good atmosphere
What works well?
Working conditions, organization, know-how, quality, good atmosphere
What could be improved?
Communication and transparency between managers, highlight a little the human side, avoid favouritism, teamwork still a little neglected but highly criticized Good managers support and respect employees