Department Assistant

Key information

UNI Global Union is the voice of 20 million service sector workers around the world. Working with our affiliated unions, UNI represents workers in over 150 countries in industries such as Cleaning & Security, Care, Commerce, Finance, Telecommunications, and Tech. Our Head Office is based in Nyon, Switzerland with over 50 staff. Our mission is to build power for working people through growing strong unions and to change the rules of the game in the global labor market to ensure respect and dignity in the global workplace.

We are looking for an administrational assistant as a maternity cover for the period September 2024 - August 2025.

Administrative tasks:

  • Day to day correspondence and administration work in English and French.
  • Organise travel and hotel bookings for the department staff
  • Support scheduling for the Head of Department
  • Create and maintain the department contacts/groups/meeting lists.
  • Perform short translations and coordinate longer translations with external translators.
  • Review layout for publications and documents.
  • Process and submit credit card statements and travel expenses for the department staff.
  • Support administration of externally funded projects, including ensuring compliance with administrative funding requirements, e.g. quotes, invoices etc

Implement events logistics for the sector meetings & conferences, at global and European level, in particular:

For all meetings

  • Draft and send out invitation letters in required languages
  • Keep an up-to-date list of participants
  • Book interpreters
  • Manage documents and presentations

For in-person meetings

  • Draft and regularly update the meeting budget, track spending, review bills and submit for signature and payment.
  • Organise meeting venue, hotels, restaurants and travel and liaise with local authorities and affiliates
  • Process and support visa requests by participants and department staff
  • On-site registration, setting-up the meeting room, Hotel liaison

For virtual meetings

  • Create meeting link
  • Liaise with technical event facilitator

Provide support with any other tasks that may be reasonably requested.


  • UNI Global Union