Published: 08 October 2024
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The median wage in the canton of Jura is 64 448 CHF, which is slightly below the Swiss average. This value is calculated using 2 901 wage data from the salary comparison tool. The best places to look for a job are Delémont (the capital), Porrentruy or Courroux. Although the canton is close to Basel and Bern, the language of the canton is French.
According to the salary comparison tool of, the sectors with the highest wages in the canton of Jura are Consulting various, Information technology / Telecom and Consumer / Luxury goods industry. Even though wages are lower than in other cantons, the cost of living is lower and the living environment is peaceful, far from the hustle and bustle of the big agglomerations. Moreover, the proximity to France makes it possible to go shopping there at a lower cost.